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The Landlord

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Lewat remaja. Engineer. Ghimau.

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009


where is my Letter of Indemnity & Undertaking ?????????

huh! tyme nieyh gak nk misplaced... !!!

h1n1 dah blah... y did im stil stuck wif dis damn flu.. huh


aiyoo!!! almost everyday...


huh! tot i got 'resdung' cuz 'it' keeps coming and magically dissapear after bout 1/2 an hour.. told my mom already, and she said dat i was only lack of antibody.. not affected by any particular disease.. none of our family inherited resdung... she said lah.. heh..

so, should i seek a doc or not?? hurm~

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


petronas gave me rm500 2days ago.. n im overspend it up to rm400..
huh! omg! borosnyer! then i have 2 maintain my precious hundred ringgit til next month.. hu! already decided 2 fast in 2weeks tyme n only eating biscuits to cover my empty stomach.hohoho~

such a pity i am ryte???haha~
well .. as a matter of fact, we can see from positive side where i can diet at the same tyme.. so that, ill be less worry bout my weight.. hehe~

some of my 'xtvt memboroskan duit'..hu~

  • shopping selendang at skudai parade n angsana
  • shopping bags at street mall, danga bay
  • lepak mkn2 cendol
  • shopping at jj tmn U
  • get a very pricey hair treatment- rm162
  • final destination: UTM- bankrupt!
peer influences~ hoho~

Saturday, December 19, 2009

aiyooo....... seriously borink!!!!

jum2...memecahkan otak men gem nieyh....
hehee~ muleyh bwk tensi men mende alah nieyh.......

Little Shop of Treasures 2


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

bat kong!!!! huh!!! dun wan 2 be careless anymore..... xtutup lampu tyme lalu tunnel. keep switched on while we all bermandimanda at desa waterpark.. my avanza trus kong bat nyer... huh!!! pissed off wif my besfren at dat tyme.. cuz shes the driver !!!!! huh!!!.. seb bek got a bunch of guys bek ati got jumper and charged the bat... huh! luckily~~

thanx guys...... fuh!!! lega~~~

Off to Johor

UTM........... i'm back!!!!
argh!! 1month is not enough!!! damn UTM.... y they have 2 start dis semester earlier than other uni.... !! huh.... thou i already filled up the holiday semaksima y mungkin.. huhu~

hangout with frens at key el.... ts...pavi....sogo...jln TAR... wee~
at gombak.... got wed one of my senior..... hee~
zoo negara!!!!
believe it or not???? im posed for washroom's duta..haha... @ the mines lorr...

and desa waterpark!!! we're cummin!!!

its over... my greatest moment here..... huhu~ best2...... bubye.... nt kami datang agy ya???

Friday, November 27, 2009

salam aidul adha~

hepi eid adha guys....
this year im celebrating eid adha without my mom becuz she went outstation for 5days.. hwaaa.... so, 2day i have 2 get up early in d morning 2 prepare rendang ayam, nc impit, air teh 'o', and all that stuffs.... need 2 vacuum at every inch of d house.... huhu~ do all d houseworks alone wit ma lil sis.. my dad, and 2 ma other lil bros gone 2 semayang raya.... hehe~

bersiap2 mndi... pkay bju kurung... chun2.... ngadap lappy,, creating new post 4 ma blog...wee~ waiting 4 the three stooges.. ooops??!!! three guys blek from semayang raya... maw mkn rendang!!! favourite2... hehe....

2 all my frens .....
selamat ari raya aidil adha.....
muger di ari raya ini kt mengenal arti pengorbanan....

because there a say;
Those things which are precious are saved only by sacrifice.

phm2 sindri lah yek??? mls maw explain...

c ya~ ;-)

Thursday, November 19, 2009


hehe....kali nieyh maw ckp psl kenangan waktu zaman jahiliah aku dolu2...hehe~ bukan nak buka pekung d dada sindri... tp, juz nak express feeling lby kat cni... nak lpas kat mem2, tkt dowrg borink plak... heheheh~

since child, i am an innocent lil gal who knew nothing bout fashion updates, gadgets..... aku dolu2 nerd... hang out ngn mem2 y ley tgkap muat jer.... asal bleyh jer... da r nerd, cicah boyish ckt, celup serebeh ckt, jd ar eeqa versi sekola rendah... hehe~ even dolu skul kl, stil nerdy

heh... pastu aku jd bek ckt start f1 smpay f3.... msuk skul bek ktkan.. haha.tp, ada gak ar crushes sane cni... cnta monyet ktkan..haha... start f4, aku liar smcm... haha...culture shock ktkan... tyme nieyh aku pindah skul bese, befriend ngn minah2 malay kat ctu... got various clicks ther.. ther were hotties, gerds, bek ati, rempits, n etc... hehe.... n, u know what??? i was in 'hotties' click ... juz bcuz they were ma clssmates... heh... but... im sprised, cuz as well as im getting 2 know em, they were act very nice... they juz a lil bit in2 bad social life.... but...like i care... as they didnt harm themselves, or anyone else, im owhkay wit it... hee~

start f4 , aku start flirt ngn guys.... tyme f4 ada r krg dpd 10 guys y kna ngn aku... sume aku men tgkp jer... xkesah r ensem ker, bf org ker... aper ker... bpk bodo aku dolu.. haha.. xtaw naper aku jd gni dolu... again, im blaming 'culture shocking'.. hohoho~ f5, aku krgkan ckt, cuz tetiber aku ter attached ngn jnis2 laki yang mmg psycho gler, cntrol..hwaa...chuax weyh... pnah kuwt tyme aku blek skul, dier bley plak ekuwt aku blek smpay umah... bpk aku jmput aku, dier ekuwt gune keta dier.. huhu~~ chuax2... pastu, aku pnh men betting ngn mem2 pmpuan aku, kat skul tuh, aku cam dianggap gadis melayu y plg bek r.. pngawas lak tuh.. haha.. so, dowrg cbr aku suh tckle 1 mamat nieyh, don gak ar kat skul dulu... aku try r gune skil aku.. haha.. tup2... dpt plak... heh... but, without my knowing, 1 of ma fren crushed ngn mamat tuh.. haha....

xpasal2 ktowrg perang mulut... bapak bodo gler... gado psl laki... cam xmatang gler.... haha.. tp, aku nak bwat cner kan?? aku bkn gado pasl aku nak rebut laki tuh, aku ckp ngn dier, nak amik, amik r.. aku juz nak mng betting jerr... heh.... bkn nak laki tuh puwn... hoho... jaat gler.... sure saper bc blog aku nieyh,, pk aku minah pasan hot gler.. hahahaha...xkesah r...

n im stil continuing ma badbadbadbadbad habit nieyh... byk gler mem aku advsed, stop dis crazy nonsense bhavior... got 'karma' u know??? hahahaha...... tp... aku rs aku da dpt da ... sume laki y aku nak, sume not interested to me... huhu~ xpuwn, not available.. serves me ryte.... hu~....

tp skang, aku da xbwat da bnda2 bodo gtu.. mls dah maw men2 laki... aku pk kalu ada pmpuan memana men2kan adek2 aku plak nt, aku panas gak.. heheh~ skang kire aku da matang r... im 21st years old babe.... please r.... 1 step in becoming an adult..... heheh~~

and now.. im just waiting 4 my ryte guy 2 cum.... no more flirtatious.... b delicious.. hehe~

c ya~ *wink*

Tuesday, November 17, 2009



aku br berjinak2 ngn mende alah nieyh... td ada mood rajin maw mw naip... tetiber dtg r plak kemalasan.. haha... sebagai mukadimah....

kt mulakan blog cik eeqa nieyh ngn lafaz "bismillahirrahmanirrahim"... hehe

nt aku publish post y len eyh anytyme free nt... hehe...

c ya~
