I am now called as a trainee in an IT Company in Damansara. So, I will be sitting on a chair, facing pc 9 to 5... When there's a job, it will be a disaster day because the task will be given in a huge-fat-bulky size. But, when there is no work, I will be sitting and go through all the noticeable-interesting websites.. There are a lot of em but ofcourse I can't share with you all of them even sharing is caring.. sifu must simpan ckt2 meh.. huhu~ No lah, the truth is, I wanna share my Top Three interesting websites which are:

This is the most horrible-horror-thriller-18SG site ever.. Most of the pictures shown are facts and I can't even look at it more than 5mins.. hu~
Oh! Tidak.com

This site is the 2nd most horrible thing Ive ever explore... huhu~ Even there are some news or info which are not interesting enough but it is just minor.. Others, great info.

Yeah! now we are out of the HORROR-THRILLER zone... It is a web where we can easily translate languages. Believe it or not, it is not as cool as you imagine, it translate the word one-by-one but it can be our guidance whenever we are in a fuzzy-serabut-short tyme memory loss moment. wee~
Dare to try? hehe~ Hope those lil' info can help you in spending time more wisely other than facebooking, dota, youtube, looklet, tubely ;p, and of coursedon't ever googling the red****. huhu~