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The Landlord

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Lewat remaja. Engineer. Ghimau.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My 20.11.2011

Through out the day. [sigh]

Is it?

Thanks girls
It sucks! I HATE it! :(

Tolong aku

Tolong jangan cabar kesabaran aku boleh? ermmm......... :( PLEASE.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Hanya DIA

Hanya DIA yang tahu keperluan ku
Hanya DIA yang faham perasaan ku
Hanya DIA maha mengetahui segala-galanya tentang ku.

Aku bersyukur pada DIA
Moga segalanya lebih indah.. lebih cerah.. lebih sempurna.. Lancarkan lah perjalanan hidupku, YA TUHAN :)

I pray

:) A phone call that I've waited for years is finally arrived :) Thank You Allah.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pagi yang sibuk

Bangun pagi-pagi yerus dengar bebelan ibu suruh mandilah.. kemas rumah lah.. hidang ketupatlah.. hidang rendanglah.. Adoiy.. Mengganggu emosi betol pagi-pagi raya ni. (-.-") NGANTUK! ini semua gara-gara malam tadi punya match - ManU, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool, ManC.. Hoho.. Aku layan weyh? :P Peliks.

Hari ini anniversarry Ibu dengan Ayah tersayang. So, ibu tiba-tiba tergerak hati maw pegi solat sunat. So, satu famili, kami berenam pegi ke Surau. Seronok. Hati yang panas emosi pagi tadi terus lembut :)

Kami mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha. :)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Soalan berangkai

Got tagged by Miss Lovely Diana Naubi :)

  • You must post these rules 
  • Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal
  • Answer the question the tagger set for you in their post. And create new 11 question for the people you tagged to answer.
  • You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post
  • Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her
  • No stuff in the tagging section about " YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS" YOU
  • LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY, TRUST WITH ALL HONESTY) have tagged 11 people.


Who am I?

A girl
160cm height  
Can't ride a motorcycle
Neat freak
Adore a guy with great personality
Love shoes, handbags
Warm-hearted person :P
Play volleyball
Red velvet is my color
Love Chicken Rice Shop


She asked me ..................

Define love in one word.

What is your life target - in 10 years time?
I'll be 34 at that time.. whoaaahhhh!!! Can't imagine (-.-"). My target; work my ass off in my dream company, own a big house, dream car, married and live a happy life. :)

Country you really want to go and why?
Korea. The cuisine make me tempted. I love soup. I love using chopsticks. But I hate veges. How? :P

Your wishlist(s) - it can be anything.
Lots. But my current important one is - a job

If you got the chance to change your career, what would you like to be?
A secretary. I always want to be. My parents vote NO. You know why *the full-of-scandalous job* LOL

Name 3 songs that is on your mind right now?
Takbir Raya :) , Pak Belalang ,  Rolling in the deep

Definition of friendship and who would you rather choose, your life partner or your friends?
Friendship : Lots of quarrels, challenges, jealousy, happy and memorable moments together :)
Syurga isteri di telapak kaki suami :P

Things that can make you happy
A good and pleasant surprise, doodolls, shoes, bags, and money. MUAHAHAHA

Britney Spears, what do you think of her? 
Such a pity life she'd gone through. 

Your view of good husband/wife. Huehue.
Good husband : A person who always have faith in HIM, protects his good wife and responsible toward his family.
Good wife : She know and treats her husband well enough. :P

Your first impression about Diana Naubi?
Girly, loves camwhoring, care so much on her hair :) And its worth it.. hoho

Yay! Success!


Here are my questions, bloggers dearie :)
  1. What is your passion?
  2. What is your positive and negative sides of yourself? And what do you feel about each of it?
  3. Describe yourself and your partner (if any) in one word.
  4. Do you believe in KARMA? Why?
  5. What attitude do you hate most in a person? What will you react when this behavior pops in front of you?
  6. Things you will not forget to bring whenever you get out of your house?
  7. What will you do to release yourself from STRESS?
  8. Do you happy with your life now? ? Why?
  9. What do you think about right now in your mind?
  10. What do think about "the eeqa cooper theory" and the owner? :P
  11. What is the mooooooooooost hardest question a person asked you ever?

Whhoooaaahh!!!!! Gilalaaaahh!!! Kerut-kerut dah kening ni.. Hihi.. And.. it's time... Please answer these questions from the bottom of your heart aaa :)

    Wednesday, November 2, 2011

    Boleh tolong tak?

    Boleh tolong aku tak? Tolong bagi aku softcopy untuk cerita ni?


    Itulah... Padan muka aku. Dulu gatal sangat delete terus cerita ni daripada hard disk disebabkan kekecewaan yang amat sangat dengan ending dia. HERO kesayangan cerita ni mati :(( Huwaaaa!!!!!!! Meleleh-leleh aku. Macam putus cinta. Terus buang memori-memori dia. Sekarang bila timbul RINDU itu, menyesal pun tak guna.. :( Macam mane nak dapat softcopy cite tuh balek :(

    Oh! He's sooooo manly :)

    Ok. aku chuak :'(

    Bangun awal pagi. Rajin layan Subuh. Alhamdulillah..

    Malas nak mandi terus ngadap laptop, entah ape nak buat pun tak taw.

    Ralit punya ralit, tengok jam dah cecah jam 11 pagi. Bende-bende penting aku patut settle arini tertunggak macam tuh jer.

    1. Bil air
    2. Bil letrik
    3. Pickup up pos laju which failed sent to me (as im on bed at that time*malas layan hon van poslaju* :P)
    4. Cash deposit CIMB

    Setelah tersedar dari lamunan, terus mandi, siap2, panas enjin kete. Next,grab house key, baru jer nak bukak pagar rumah, tibe-tibe aku nampak kelibat seseorang yang aku macam kenal. Dan kelibat itu yang aku paling tak nak tengok lagi-lagi bila aku sorang-sorang jaga rumah and sorang-sorang nak bukak pintu pagar. Dia adalah seorang john doe (aku taknak taw nama die) yang mempunyai hobi 'menghidu gam' (nauzubillah) yang kadang kala bermastautin di rumah kosong sebelah rumah aku.

    Apa lagi, terus aku cancel niat nak bukak pagar, aku amek balek handbag dari dalam kereta, lalu bergerak masuk rumah. Tengah-tengah cuba meloloskan kunci grill, tiba-tiba aku dengar suara lelaki. "Akak...!Akak...!Akak...!" Ohh.. berdebau!

    Dalam kenebesan (oh!rojak abes.), aku pikir dua jer, nak jawab ker tak nak. Manalah tahu dia nak mintak tolong ker, tanya apa-apa ker. Ermm... sambil-sambil bukak mangga tuh, aku pikir lama gak, Nak jawab ke tak? nak jawab ke tak? nak jawab ke tak? 

    Ok... Aku decide BUAT BODOH jer.. Maaf.. Kalau kau berdarah-darah luka sana sini panggil aku pun, aku pikir banyak kali nak jawab ke tak. Aku sorang kut kat rumah. Haish :(  Masa aku kunci grill balek, aku jelingla kat luar nak tengok dia ade ke tak, iyelah, suara da takde. Omaigosh! Dia still tercegat berdiri kat depan pagar rumah aku. Berderau.

    I wish my brothers were here. Esok diorang balek umah! Thank God!

    Aku taw aku sorang jer yang buruk dalam ni. Takpelah. Bagi peluang adek-adek aku berhensem-henseman. heheh

    Kesimpulan : Ok. Aku chuak :'(
