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The Landlord

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Lewat remaja. Engineer. Ghimau.

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Saturday, September 22, 2012


Makin aku dewasa..

Makin aku kenal erti hidup..

Makin aku faham nilai perasaan..

Makin aku bijak hukum hakam

Aku mula sedar

Aku semakin dewasa...


Semua hubungan.. Our relationships




The creator

We need to nurture it well


Maaf memaafi



Jujur.. Someone taught me "berkatalah benar walaupun pahit"

Semua ini adalah kunci..


Jika diuji, hadapilah dengan positif, usaha dan tawakkal.. Moga dipermudahkan jalan kita :)


Hati , Jika dia bukan jodohmu, maka terimalah dengan redha.. DIA pasti me mempunyai rancangan yang lebih baik tertulis sejak azali lagi..

Girlfriend , tabahkan hatimu.... I'll always be there with you :)


Sent from my iPad :)


Friday, September 21, 2012


5 things that IRRITATES me about opposite/same sex

1. Orang menengking

Pity the cutie

2. Selfish

That's not your daddy

3. Word speaks louder than action


4. Slow motion

Production zero

5. Narrow minded

Please do me a favor?

This is just answering the question. But try to look at other perspective, not everyone loves us, likes us, appreciates us.. We are also irritates them in some way we did not notice. HUMAN. Full of lacks and weaknesses. Just bear in mind, GOD create them. If we hate them, we HATE god's creation.

Fill your heart with love and not hatred.

Adios :)

Thursday, September 20, 2012


By saying future.. i would like to imagine 10 years from now :)

1. An engineer to be proud of


2. A wife and a mother of a good and happy family 

3. Own a nice house, a comfort car

4. Seorang yang sentiasa and tetap patuh serta taat kepada suruhan-NYA

Wassalam :)

Be matured

I don't know.

I always do things without thinking.

Regret it later.

Serves me right.

But, wise man says :


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Miri - Lambir Waterfalls

Continue from previous post

Part TWO!

Bangun pagi.. Ooops! Sebenarnya dah terlewat nieyh.. Plan nak gerak ke air tejun at 0700 sharp.. But before that, kena setup2 barang, masak nasi goreng lagi semua... HAHA! Alih-alih, aku baru bangun plak kul 0630.. heh.. kata janji MELAYU :P

Lepas seap-seap, mandi-mandi, packing-packing barang, terus gerak ke penthouse dak-dak laki nieyh. Luckily kitorg pegang key house dorang.. Memang tak bangun lagi.. BUJANG katakan.. huu....

Dengan pantas aku terus gerak ke peti ais terus bersilat buat nasi goreng kampung ayam pedash... FIRST TIME masak untuk orang. Lelaki plak tuh jadi tukang rasa. To make it even worse, two of them already engaged, ketaq eden nak penuhi high expectation dorg... GULP!

Agak-agak da boleh kawen tak? HAHAHAHAHA

Baru gerak keluar dari apartment. Lambir! Here we come! :)


Entrance fee : RM10 per person
Walking +/- 20 minutes from main entrance > LATAK WATERFALLS (About 1km je)

Jambatan gantung! AWESOME! :)

Briefly explain, Taman Negara Lambir nieyh ade 4 Waterfalls
  1. Latak WF (20 mins) - 1km
  2. Pantu WF (1 hour) - 2.6 km
  3. Dinding WF (2 hours) - 4.8 km
  4. Pancur WF (3 hours) - 7.0 km
Upon arrival,
Terus setting up our BBQ area. BARA itu penting uols.. akibat engineer yang tak paham basic (buat malu kompeni je).... api tak hidup=hidup =.=

Itulah dia.. posing saje...
Heroin datang... Thanks SARAWAKIAN di atas keprihatinan anda kat orang-orang bando yang terkulat-kulat ngadap arang tak jadi bara :P

Only 5 seconds babe.. hooooo
BBQ showtime.........

Pastu... mandilah...........

Latak Waterfalls

All in all....
Tiring BUT Great vacay :)


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Kita kasi hilang itu habuk

Memang dah lama gila aku tinggalkan benda alah ni. Awal-awal plan nak siapkan dalam masa sebulan.. Last-last daripada tyme study to menganggur to bekerja.. Still tak seap-seap lagi.. ape nak jadi da.. anyway, sementara aku ade masa lebey sikit nieyh, daripada terbuang, baek aku sambung kan?

No more further merepek..


Short term goal : 

Main : To cherish my first month in Miri, Sarawak

Description :  
  1. Complete first hitch to offshore. CHECKED! > Baronia
  2. Make treadmill moment as a routine. CHECKED! > refer to previous post
  3. Masak sendiri for all three meals - breakfast, lunch, and dinner. CHECKED!
  4. Plan my own financial in and out. ONGOING~
  5. Less shopping. WORKING HARD! lol..
  6. Train my heart untuk jadi lebih keras and kebal. Takmaw cair-cair sangat. STILL WORKING ON IT~
To be a better career woman - well planned, have a clear and real objective. :) Boley tak? Matured gile answer :P 


Monday, September 17, 2012

Miri - Lambir Waterfalls

Tomorrow we plan to go on a trip to Lambir Waterfalls.. Add up with simple BBQ session.. A few prep had been made prior :
  • Marinate chicken
  • Rencah for nasi goreng kampung to be cook tomorrow
  • Task delegation (Who will be bring what and what not)
  • Agenda briefing (sounded soooo formal aite? haha! just freshen our activity on the next day so that it will be well-execute as planned :))
Macam manelah rasa ayam nieyh esok pas kena bakar eyh? :P Sedap hopefully :)

to be continue..

24 sweetie :)

Dear girlfriends

As a token of appreciation throughout our 6 years together and may it will remain forever.. love ya :)

24 sweetie :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Read this and digest it.

Dear you,


I love her :)


Saturday, September 15, 2012

My routine

My NEW life in Miri, Sarawak. It is entirely a NEW life.. More healthy, beautiful and free life.


Just back from Baronia, Platform..Tiring journey.. =.=

Which one is me? :)

Long way to walk to the quarters.. Phewww.........

Way back to shore.. Seasick =.='


Good morning sunshine ~
1. Burn out the calories
My second day.. 300 cals loss.. GREAT :)

2. Take a relaxing bubble bath

3. Healthy breakfast - hot tea & hi-calcium biscuit
Put a smile on my face please.. :)
4. Get off to office with bright smile :)

Afternoon ~
1. Lunch ala-kadar
2. Freshen up a lil bit
3. Get back to work. Focus!

Evening ~
1. Resting my ass off on the soft couch while watching tv and not to forget, my awesome Lychee :)
No stress
2. Preparing dinner ala bujang
Great kitchen rite? :) I wanna own one :)

3. Take the supplement.. "sape kata orang single tak perlu berchantek-chantek? :P"
Awal Ashaari ade twin tak? I nak ngorat :)

Beauty sleep at night~
Sweetdreams sweetheart :)

P/S to myself : Not to forget.. Always meet the creator 5 times a day.. All this while, you've been sacrificed yourself in order to give way for others..Stop doing that.. Stop trust and believe all those damn rubbish talks.. This time it is all about you.. May HE lead you to the way HE want you to be. HE will not test you the one that you cannot overcome. Keep holding on. You can do it, ATIQAH...

24 sweetie :)

Friday, September 14, 2012


Macam ni rasanya... Thanks. Another experience in life..

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Currently I'm undergoing on job training - Laut Cina Selatan

Conclusion : I'm stressed out. Thank you, Chipsmore. Thank you, Sabena :)
