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The Landlord

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Lewat remaja. Engineer. Ghimau.

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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Business Trip & Getaway Trip (Myanmar)

5 September 2014

Tiga bulan aku kat sini, ini first time aku jejak site.
Tiket pukul 6.20 am and I woke up at 4 in the morning as we need to depart from the Hotel at 4.30am.

So early in the morning we patiently waiting for the Bagan Airlines. 1jam jugak lah tunggu after check-in.

7.30 am, arrived at Bagan/Nyaung U Airport. The environment quite the same with Yangon actually. Yelah... Negara yang same pon.. Duhh...

Luckily we all ade dedicated driver from Airport to the site. If not, we have to pay USD15 just to get out from the airport :O .. Special price to foreigner only ya? huuu

We hop onto our Land Cruiser, believe me! This ride is Niceeeeeeeeeeee... Tiba-tiba nak tukar dream car :P And this car got almost 100% fully tinted window due to safety issue. Bagan is one of the sacred place, and sensitive area. We are here for business purpose not to create any issue =.=

Site No.1

Arrived! This is my first time step on to land rig site. Nice view. Better than offshore - spacious I must say. Proud to be one of it :)

About 1 hour look around the site, we head to the Site no.2. This 65km journey takes about 30-45minutes. Quite exhausted sitting in the 4WD moving on the not-so-smooth road but the untouched scenery (farm, forest, cow, pony, huts, humble people) enlighten us. IF I have to compare, Yangon is like Jakarta and Bagan just like Bali, Indonesia. Peaceful without beach lah :P

Ada railway station
Look at the wall! Very rare ok..
Site No.2

Here we are!

12 noon! Lapar!!! Hungraihhhh!!!

Heading to Popa Mountain. It just like Danau Toba, dead volcano - very peaceful and breezy.... Kalau buat honeymoon memang nice! But the road toward the peak is very much alike Karak Highway. Berpusing-pusing but bear in mind the road is not sooo.... ermmmmm.... let me just put it in one statement, "That's why we rode in 4WD". :) The food here is Ok lah... Normal menu just like what we can get is Yangon. But the view is unimaginable.

Our next agenda will be "Sightseeing Pagoda" in Bagan. Tapi we are in rush, so sempat singgah a few je lah :) But it is a very nice experience indeed. Ada banyak lagi pictures but kat ipong orang lain, Malas nak sedut :)

Pagoda pyramid-like
Last, Back to Yangon, Back to reality.

Check in time

Bus taking us to the plane

See you next time, in shaa Allah

A little memory from Bagan.
Hope to see you again during Winter season :)

Good Night!
