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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Entry basi tapi masih boleh dimakan

Update sampai lebam!

Malas nak review. Birthday celebration on 5th December. I baru update 16th December kan? Ah! Heran ape? :P

Kenny Rogers at Aeon Wangsa Maju. Not so yummy I think.  

All and all through out the day.

Hey, I just got my bag where I bought it online from Anis. It is a great orange bag thou. Brought it first time on my birthday. Love it! Thanks hun!

Sorrylah. posing pelik. nak buat ala-ala comel. terjadi pelik pulak. hoho :)



Anonymous said...

Kau sungguh menjeleskan dan memanaskan aku dengan menayang beg oren itu. Hmmmphhhh!!!!

Bawak pergi utm ok? Nak tengok jugeee! :)

Nur Atiqah said...

insyaAllah adek manissssss.......


Unknown said...

macam kenal mate tu! hahaha

Wan Gerrard said...

xpe2, masih comel =P

kIcAp... said...

ibu ~~nak jgak!!! kekeke..

Nur Atiqah said...

zai : mata ? mane2? huh! syot

wan gerrard : haha! manada.. pelik ajer.. :P

sara : jum2.. kl mari..hehe
