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Lewat remaja. Engineer. Ghimau.

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Monday, May 2, 2011

Perut Jepun

Tomorrow will be my first paper for the exam week. [Well Testing]. And now, need to revise all of the calculations, graphs theories and etc related. So, in order to ;

I need ...................

A mechanical pencil
A blue pen  
A ruler (long one)
An eraser 
A calculator
A graph paper
Lots of A4 papers


A bit support from whom I LOVE 

P/S : I am having only three sushi (two octopus plus one salmon) for my meal one whole day today. Style kan? :P Boleh kurus kalau tiap-tiap hari makan macam ni.


Ayah! ibu! call akak malam ni. Mental down! :(

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