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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Memilih Dulang Girls | Countdown to #maeleeq


Today nak cerita pasal my own Bridesmaids/Dulang Girls.

Our plan are 3 berbalas 5 dulang hantaran on my nikah's day.

Hence I need my  SUPERGIRLS!.

Sebelum tuh, I kena detail out ciri-ciri yang I nak from my Dulang Girls to avoid BRIDEZILLA moment(s):
  1. Of course cantik di mata aku supaya senang diorang pose to camera nanti.
  2. Gigih & Gagah angkat dulang sebab ade certain barang yang berat.
  3. Sanggup datang awal untuk teman aku berinai.
  4. Friend to each other supaya diorang tak awkward nanti.
  5. Pandai berdikari kat tempat orang sebab aku macam takde masa sangat nak entertain diorang nanti.
  6. Same level of understanding
As of today, the lucky (lucky ke?) ones are
  • Sara
  • Zana
  • Afy
  • Echa
  • Huda (hopefully u can make it!)
  • Aryana
See ya loves!


Hah tiba-tiba ade enam(6) nama kan? Sebab aside from my five dulangs, ade satu dulang asing yang ade both of our cincins.. Ni kira ultimate dulang r.. LOL.. Then I need 6 girls :)


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