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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Genie #3

Thank you Genie for granted my wish #1. :)

After all, I have another wish. Eysh! mengada kan? kan? Did you recognize this cutie? I think it will be one of my great collection as the combination will be :

Fedora + Rambut Serabai = Cool huh?

Psst! Tak sabar nak shopping! Hohohoho~


Wan Gerrard said...


Nur Atiqah said...


Yasmint said...

bpe byk dh koleksi cik eeqa..?
xd mau sedekah kat sy?
hahaha :D

Nur Atiqah said...

aik? fedora takde dalam koleksi lagi. awak tak maw adiahkan kat sy? hehe~ :)

Yasmint said...

owh cik eeqa..sungguh sy kurang sen utk blanje kamu...nnt kamu tuntut mse hari perkahwinan kamu k~
