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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rambut itu Mahkota Wanita

Another 3D movie I am thrilled to watch !

Tangled (Rapunzel) . Say what? I tengok cartoon kat cinema? Ohmaigosh.. First time I layan cartoon kat cinema puwn kat Mid Valley time tuh. Itupun dengan budak-budak lelaki lead by Incik Ruzaini yang cam har tak nak bagi perempuan cam I tengok cerita pelik-pelik. Ade plak diorang bagi tengok cartoon? Chaih. Tertido I. Serious. Tido.

5 December 2010 - Wink wink wink wink ^.^ ( Saje buat bunyik ala - ala comel. Jangan tanya kenapa )

KL of course. The real venue is not confirm yet. Yang penting supply 3D glasses. Hoho

With makcik Ellisa ! Warkh! Nak pau dia lah sempena birthday I. ( Ececeh .. Dan-dan nak annouce birth date sendiri kan? Biasalah masuk bakul angkat sendiri. Itu normal. )

Psst.. Aryana! Wanna join us? Tak ajak kang, merajuk pulak. keh keh

Note : Sorry. I did privatized my blog for 1 day because of one stupid personal reason. Ups! facebook too. Deactivated. Don't ask why or else you could hear me sounds like makcik annoy membebel panjang nanti. But anyway, the twitter and IM still rocks! :)


Unknown said...

ada taman jugak rupenye ko ni, heh

Atiqah Almy said...

nak tengok..blanje aku tqah

Nur Atiqah said...

Zai : Of course. Tengoklah sape yang introduce aku kat cartoon matoon nieyh.. heheh

Gyna : Aku pun suh ellisa belanje. HAHA! Apedaaa

Anonymous said...

huah! 5th dec. wink wink jugak. tapi i byk wedding nak pegi. nampaknye wink wink malam je la. tengok wayang eh? hmm.. i wonder what am i gonna do this coming 5th.

"remember remember the 5th of December. gun powder, treason and plot.. this is where we munch cream cheddar and book a karaoke slot."

Anonymous said...

and Disney or Pixar or any animated or 3D movies slalunye best. tade yg tak best.

Nur Atiqah said...

ururu: first of all.. kenape wink wink malam jer eyh? hehe.. tu lah pasal.. i hope this one with will great as i plan to watch it in 3D.. hehe..
