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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Trip to Makassar #2 #throwback

Hi all,

Thowback again. Continue from part 1.

So the next day we decided to go to TAMAN WISATA ALAM BANTIMURUNG. Naik ape? Naik pete-pete.. For total FIVE freaking hours (return time)!!! Pergh kebas punggung duduk dalam ni sebab the seat die ermm kusyen ratio like 10% je tinggal on the papan LOL.

Eventhough it was not straight 2.5 hours.. just because we decided to randomly hop on pete-pete yang lompat-lompat.. took risk, with no clue what we are doing, where were we going... Percaya je kat lokal.. Lucky us, tak jumpa yang maling.. semuanya OK!

Selamat Datang ya..

Cave trekking

Air die lawa.... No filter ok during 2006 HAHA
And then balik tuh lapa gilos!!!!!!!!!!!!! Singgah makan KONRO BAKAR area hotel kitorang. Tak tipu wey! Sedap gila namati!

Makanan wajib di Makassar aside from coto-coto.
Next day, kitorang pergi TRANSSTUDIO MAKASSAR THEME PARK. Indoor. Kebetulan time kitorang datang.. ade performance naks tart.. Join lah~

Sis Sara membeli tiket

Then Selasa the next day, kitorang pergi MALINO TEA PLANTATION. Sejuk! By the way, pete-pete yang bawak kitorang hantar sampai entrance je.. sebab dia kata tak boleh masuk.. then dengan gagah nye sis berdua jalan kaki 2-3 km jugak turun naik. Pergh.. nasib baik sejuk and view mantops :D

Balik tuh driver pete-pete baik hati singgah beli tembikai manis gilos (tak tahu lah sebab kitorang lapar ke hape kan?) haha! Perut kedepan! haha

Last day, kitorang nak checkout.. abang driver (sumpah handsome tapi da kahwin) singgah nak belanja air tebu. Tapi kami tidak berapa selera (takut sakit perut).. I'm not drinking tebu even in Malaysia pon

HAHA.. So that's about it! Hope you guys yang rasa nak out of mainstream, nak pegi Makassar, hope this can help you guys.. If not all, bits pon ok.. One thing for sure, the people super kind and super friendly.. ade je anak muda yang naughty sikit (tapi biasalah) and the food like seriously senang gile nak carik (Muslim majority) and murah alahaiii... :)


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