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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Genie #1

Genie.. Genie..

You promised to grant me three wishes. (haha! bile masa ntah. tyme dekat-dekat nak raya nieyhlah mula berangan macam-macam). (Ok. continue..) But now I only thought one of them. The other two coming soon ya??

Ehem ehem Uhuk uhuk..

I want THIS for becoming Eidul Fitr.


Bolelah eyh? Murah jer.. tapi I maw pure silver or atleast 90% silver. Bole eyh? hehe~ Nak yang simple-simple jer.. Tak maw semak-semak macam kat bawah nieyh. heh~



Yasmint said...

ni mintak kat sape ni?
jin kat celah mane ko jmp ni tka,,,
ak pn nk gk~~

Nur Atiqah said...

haha! tuh r~

jin ATM CIMB. ko bole mntak kt jun anip.. aku arap jin cimb jer lh.. heheh~ =P

Yasmint said...

klo si jun anip 2 cop duit, best gk utk senaraikn wishlish ak~

Nur Atiqah said...

haha! try r cop.laku x?hehe~
