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Saturday, August 14, 2010

I love it

Maxi dress. I am really into it. I like when hot girls wearing it while dating with their special one. I really adore when they mix and match the dress with cardi, jacket, even sweater. Messy buns or just simply let hair do their thing will do great with maxi.

Deep in my heart, I want to wear this. I really want. But, to tell you the truth I don't have enough guts to wear this adorable piece to the mall, even attending a special function or dinner. Hehe~ kecut kan i? But,maybe two-three more years from now I'll wear it. Who knows right? =)

Love Red+Black(floral theme.wow!(speechless))
Yet simple but unique
Who else? She's the idol. SHEA RASOL. She's the queen. Mix and Match. Love.


ammo said...

tuuuu dia idol hang....pelik2 je...

Nur Atiqah said...

hehe~ oklah tuh... idol usha2 jer.. jum join layan idol aku sorang nieyh?heheh~
