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The Landlord

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Lewat remaja. Engineer. Ghimau.

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Friday, October 22, 2010

I forbid myself

The time has come.
It is my turn to forbid myself 

from blogging
from facebooking
from webcam
from youtube-ing
from formspring

But instead , you guys can reach me out through IM, Twitter and Email. Thanks :)

Here are the details! Busy. Busy. Busy. Busy-bee.

 Have a nice day, readers! :)


Anonymous said...

Kau busy, aku datang kdse tu boleh? *sambil bawa kerepek*

Nur Atiqah said...

kalau kondisi ko sambil bawak kerepek itu benar... anda permitted. heheheh~

nerdy nadea said...

hey girl..good luck ^_^
