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Thursday, October 28, 2010


Choice of songs while enjoying the hell yeah awesome karaoke session :)

She choose Hukum Karma, Bunga Angkasa and Bertakhta di hati. She's a real DEAL aite?

She prefers Rock Kapak, Rock Leleh, Rock Lalok sahaja.. heh.. Memang pro abes r..

She really gets crazy on Buat Aku Tersenyum, Baik-Baik Sayang & Kau yang bernama Seri.. Suara die marvellous! hee.. betol .. tak tipu!

She will get her chicky voice tone on Kau yang bernama seri, Poker Face and Hati Kama?

She's really into "My Humps, My Humps, My Humps"! Ala-ala Fergie versi sopan.. ;P

She still with Senggol-senggolan Cubit-cubitan, get nerves on Doa Buat Kekasih plus Nazam Berkasih. hoho

She says NO to karok. heheh..


Dare to beat us? teehee~


kIcAp... said...

fergie versi sopan? nice..

ma pic = bukn y aku plh td...

Nur Atiqah said...

hehe~ tech prob r with dat pic. okelah nieyh.. plg HOT! u r d only one accompannied with a handsome guy! hee

echasuzrin said...

bile mau karok lagi???

Un Phat Lee said...

lagu hindustan takde ke? ehe XD

Unknown said...

dangdut tu mmg fav wa, heh
tggu mse je nk perform

Nur Atiqah said...

elisa: esok maw? ngeh ngeh

phat lee: xmampu nak belit lidah r.. hehehe

en jay: bagus r tuh.. duet dgn insan tersayang r..haha!

echasuzrin said...

esok mlm ok la..... huhu

Nur Atiqah said...

petang r... ape barang layan malam?hee~

echasuzrin said...

full booked la dear ptg esok.....

kIcAp... said...

ellisa hot skrg~~

Nur Atiqah said...

sara: hotlah.. makin matang..heh
