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Friday, October 1, 2010

Tag Me Tag U

I tak paham sebenarnye mende tag-tag nieyh. Tapi macam lebey kurang Q&A kind of game jer kan mende alah nieyh. So, I puwn layan jer lah. Kalau korang nak join, copy paste jer kuwt. Simple! Takde kena bayar-bayar punye.hee~

 1.Name one person who made you laugh last nite??
last night? urm~ The boyfriend. Gelakkan die yang pening dengan perangai pelik-pelik i.

2. What were u doing 1 hour ago?
Cheer someone up. Some ass-boyfriend case.

3. What was da last thing u said out loud?
Argh!!!!! geramnya!!! Apesal dia tak reply mesej nieyh!!!!!!

4. Where's da next place you're going to?
Dunia lain. Dunia mimpi. Dunia penuh angan-angan.

5. What was da last thing u paid for?
Pecel Lele for two. (Buhsan! tak pedas manepun even da mintak extra sambal 2x)

6. Where were u last nite?
Bilik sendiri. Rindu katil suda. Penat merantau.

7.What da besh ice cream flavour?
Chocolate chips. More Chips, Chips n Chips!

8. Do u wanna cut your hair?
Nope! Just wanna style it up. But, not now lah.

9. Do u love to 'melatah'?
Nope! ngeri kalau ter 'melatah' depan laki.

10. If dat so ( melatah), what will u said out loud?
The recent things popped in my head. Kalau tyme tuh tengah pikir pasal bangla, then the latahan will be "Oh, bangla mat bangla bangla!"

11. What does da last text-msg received say?
"Selamat menempuh alam persekolahan". Kata seorang senior yang dah grad kepada aku yang sedang mengadap PSM.

12. Will u get married in da future?
InsyaAllah. Sunnah kan? =)

13. Do u chew on ur straw?

14. Do u make-up your own words?

15. Is there anyone u like/love rite now?

Actually tak cukup mencabar plak soalan nieyh. nak carik soalan lagi mencabar lah. hehe~ anyway, thanks Mint by tagging me!

Dedicated to : Aryana, Ellisa, Zai, Anis, Fitriyani, all readers dearie~


Unknown said...

aku xpaham menatang apa ni.. (aku seorang yang lampi harap maaf)
haha.. btw, i love your hair..
nice.. =)

Yasmint said...

ko nk soalan mencabar ke cik eeqa?
nnt ak jmp soalan mencabar ak tag ko...if x, ak reka snd soalan utk ko...

Nur Atiqah said...

Cik fitriyani: ko copy paste jer soklan2 nieyh n jawab sindri gune ayat ko. kirenyer cam aku bg a bunch of questions 4 u to answer.

heh, hair? br pas treatment plus setting up tuh. makaseyh..=)

Mint: Boleh sajer~ hehehe

Unknown said...

aku baru paham..
nanti ada soklan baru tag aku lagi.
