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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bloglist Blogger 2011


Owh Miss Avisa Darya (my new friend in this blogsphere), thanks for tagging me in this simple contest. I am actually doesn't interested into blog contest coz most of them require difficult conditions. Hee.. Thank you again.

Contest sape eyh sebenarnye I nak join nieyh? Oh! Miss Diana the lovely penulis blog picisan :) Mahu join? Click link dier color biru tuh. hee~ Jum lah join. sonang ajo.. Takde syarat pelik-pelik.. hee


Ouh. describe myself? hohoho..

I am a simple yet not-so-friendly kind of person. 

The name is Atiqah as known as EEQA.

Currently studying Bachelor of Petroleum Engineering at UTM Skudai, Johor

I am now 22 years 1 month 1 week old (05 Dec 1988)

 Kalau nak tahu macam-macam lagi perangai pelik tapi ajaib I, 
sila jangan malu-malu segan-segan klik SINI. Macam-macam ada~ :P Talak lugi punye.

Header I? Eysh! Malu lah.. hihi

Nak kena elaborate pulak. Hurm, first and foremost, header nieyh bukan I yang created, Aryana Williams actually. She is a good friend of mine. That's why, I buli-buli die sikit. Hihi. Picture I tengah syok sendiri nieyh pulak taken by my little sister while we are on our way to Sunway Pyramid layan Ice Skating. 

What about those clouds?

Amoi : a nick which sedara mara I including people on the streets who truthfully speaking did not know me at all calls me. Hoh

Leng-lui : Mr.Boyfriend kadang-kadang panggil. Entah ape hangin die panggil I cenggitu. Heh

Lagi ape yer? Oh! "Si Chantek Manis yang Kijam"? Si Chantek Manis tuh dapat dari nick Aryana bagi kat I time baru-baru masuk UTM. Kijam? Just resembles myself. :P


Okeh! Nak tag sape yer? Hurm.... Nak tag orang yang I tak penah tag ah. heh

I wish Happy Birthday in advance to you Miss Diana :)


Cik Diana said...

thanks cOz sudi jOin n kOngsi kisah anda.. especially bOut ur header.. hehe.. nice taw!

Ouke.. jOm knl ngan blOgger lain plak..
check list Ouke..

Anonymous said...

Siapa M. Boyfriend tu?? o_O

Nur Atiqah said...

Cik Diana : alright.. will do :)

Aryana : Incik Red Lulu.. Anda kenal? teehee :P

Wan Gerrard said...

owh gerrard di tag..thanks ^_^

Nur Atiqah said...

welcome :)
