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Lewat remaja. Engineer. Ghimau.

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Is two better than one?

This morning I had 1 hour EOR (enhanced oil recovery) class. This subject is about how to enhance the oil as well as extending the time before it depletes. Ooops... got dragged into academic stuff pulak. I've promised to Prof Kamal already to put it (a little bit of EOR) on blog. Okeh. Done! hee~ continue..... He told us to make some backup plan as petroleum engineering is one of top courses that have limited area of jobs. He did not want to hear those "Prof, saya tak dapat job offer lagi lah", "Hurm? job? takde rezeki lagi lah" and etc on our becoming convocation day nanti.

Yes! those caption is exactly agreeable

So, backup plan? How? He told us to take minor/s. Yeah, just take another course worth a job as our second expertise. If you are now studying engineering, don't ever think to take medic as your second's. Giler hape? Heh.. Try an easy one, (hey, no offense here) such as management, human resource, or even education. It is not some so-called popular courses but it can give us job (besides knowledge and experiences) as those courses have wider industry. Tak gitu?

This weekend, I will attend an event, 'The Star Education Fair 2011' at KLCC as the student ambassador of UTM with my other three friends. Objective? Marketing / Promoting UTM as Universiti Terbaik Malaysia to students who willingly want to achieve high level of study satisfaction. Haha. Poyo kan? Sounds great right? Haha. Cuak sebenarnya.Yelah.. nak promote kat public kut, not only against students, more important, not university students which have the similar level of thinking. Bukan calang-calang. Hoh. But instead, if we look on the other side, we actually can improve our soft skills (which is absolutely the most valuable skills in surviving the world today) just via good communication with people. It is not an easy job to do okeh? Tak percaya? tak caya sudah.

Date: 8th & 9th January 2011 (Saturday & Sunday)
Time: 11.00am - 7.00pm
Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre

P/S : So, I just thought, why don't I further my master in another expertise? Macam stylo. :)


100:1-100:11 said...

Oil and gas senang dapat kerja, ,mesti ada nyer, insyaAllah

Nur Atiqah said...

Aminn.............I hope so.. :) Thanks anyway .. hee

Wan Gerrard said...

wah nak jumpa eeqa kat situ la =P

Nur Atiqah said...

wan gerrard : haha! alahmak! segannye! kui kui.. :)

cindir-rela said...


mane hadiah tshirt beijing ituw??

mahu lihat!!

Nur Atiqah said...

hehe... nanti-nanti i upload yer? paling lambat next week.. u pun upload lah you LONDON tee.. ;)

Anonymous said...


singgah sini folo ur blog..


Nur Atiqah said...

oh.. thanks! :)
