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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Princess! they rock the world!

From left to right: Jasmine, Snow White, Mulan, Aurora, Cinderella, Pocahontas, Tiana, Belle, Ariel, and Rapunzel.

Snow White, Aurora, Ariel, Jasmine, Pocahontas and Rapunzel are born of royal heritage as daughters of kings and queens.

Cinderella, Belle, and Tiana become royalty by marriage.

Mulan is the only Disney Princess on the official list that is not of royal heritage.

All in all, I adore Cinderella, Jasmine, and Rapunzel because of their characteristics. Don't you think that Belle from the tale of "Beauty and the Beast" is the most beautiful princess among others? Oh! I love those hazel brown long hair compared to blondie Cinderella.Even I have never seen the movie before. Hoh.


But, there is one tiny little unofficial princess whom I adore the most. She is the cutest TINKERBELL :)

I don't know how she attracts me the most. Maybe it is all because her unique sparkling magic dusts. It's really adorable! heee~

Nak MUSIC BOX Tinkerbell!!! huuu~ :)


I tahu ramai bosan dengan entry ni.. tapi I nak share jugak pasal ni. Tidak boleh tidak. Sebab bila masuk kedai buku jer, mesti I cepat-cepat pergi section yang ada kaitan dengan benda nieyh. Seronok! Bermain dengan imaginasi. Cubalah.. Pasti tak menyesal.. hee~


mahirahkamal said...

saya suka jasmine. sgt hot. ^_^

Nur Atiqah said...

hehe! i suke jugak.. sempoiy :)

Rebelle said...

rapunzel cute! rambut panjang! (:

Nur Atiqah said...

yuppa!!!!!!! :)

sarah zulk said...

haha.. lepas bc entry ko trase comel jugak la pulak.. hehe..

sume princess tu bila bercakap sume comey2.. haha.. aku suke3..


love all, fairytale princesses:)

Nur Atiqah said...

sara : dah nama pempuan tuh, pempuan jugak.. hii

fifiey : suke kan?kan?kan? :)

ammo said...

cheit tqa. aku pn da khatam sme disney classic movies. tp aku agree belle mmg comel.wah aku time kecik2 dlu slalu berimaginasi bersekedudukan ngan die kot. tp time kecik nye imaginasi takat men masak2 la.kah3!

Nur Atiqah said...

lebih2 pulak ko ammo? heheh
