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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Guitar Hero

Guitar Hero. My one and only possession for PS2 game. First time, I really looked like a loser while getting on the right nerve on relaxing my fingers muscle on my little brother's joystick. Ahaks! Anyway, Thank you lah adek-adekku. Akak dah obses.

My friend told me to try it on PC. Haha. No thanks. It look kinda harder. Lagipun, monitor PC tak sebesar TV kan? Tak puas. keh keh (dah tak reti tuh mengaku jer lah.. Banyak pulak alasan. Heh). Tapi kan, jangan cuba nak try fight dengan I game nieyh.

Confirm menyesal.


Sebab I tak lepas level Hard pun lagi. Haha. Loser eyh? Takder r sangat. Atleast passed with flying colors r medium level.


Serious nieyh. Spend masa untuk men game berapa lama lah nieyh. Eysh!


by the way, got a few changes here and there. Nampak berseri sikit ye tak :P

got a new top (kind-of). turqoise color. teehee :)


Avisalicious said...

enjoy x? hehe =) neway, congratulation cuz passed with flying color in medium level..pas ni kne struggle utk yg hard pulak..Chaiyok2!! =)

Nur Atiqah said...

Yeargh! thanks for the encouragement! :) u xmaw struggle same2 dgn i?

Avisalicious said...

welcome :) if i ade free time, why not? :DD

Nur Atiqah said...

owryte! thats the spirit!! :D

Anonymous said...

aku penat google semalam lagu muse tajuk apa dia pakai untuk guitar hero... zzzzz...

Pais Mais said...

main masak2 la oi!!

Nur Atiqah said...

aryana : HAA.. berjaya idak? heh

pais ohoii : goreng gitar pun jadilah kan? :P
