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Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Ehem! Taw tak acronym tuh haper??? cam singkatan perkataan r... Aku tetiber terpikir pasal entry nieyh after dgr Fly.fm last week.  Pepagi tyme nak gerak pegi keje, biasalah mengadap jammed yang cam tak berkesudahan tuh, aku layan r jap kan.. beria aku bergelak sakan dalam kete smpay jiran2 seantero seperti Camry,Merc,Saga,Jentolak punye driver cam tertoleh-toleh aneh kat aku.. Semuanye sebab Acronyms. Diorang guna tajuk nieyh as discussion diorang. Best dengar mesej2 yang diorang dapat, calls, even experience from DJ themselves.. hee... 

Macam-macam acronyms pelik2 (i think self-created) because aku rasa aku berusaha google, tak jumpe hasil.. Tapi kan.. unfortunately, aku dengar acronym pagi tuh, aku gelak, aku gelak, dan aku gelak pastu lupe.. (tak sempat simpan dalam compressed zipped folder dlm otak even grab a pen to jot it down.. hehe).. so, burnt! Maap ya ibuk2 bapak2 sekalian.. 

So, skang aku share sikit takat ape yang aku tergoogle sane sini and terpikir ajelah yer.. hee.. Enjoy =)

NATTY - Not Allowed To Talk Yet 

SUMAT - Shut Up Men Are Talking <--- (Racism No.1)

GOLF - Gents only ladies forbidden <--- (Racism No.2)

PITA - Pain In The Ass 

ROTFL-Rolling on the Floor Laughing <---(recognize the icon =))?)

FDROTFL-Falling Down, Rolling on the Floor Laughing <---(hiperbola)

LOL-Laugh Out Loud

LMAO-Laughing My Ass Off

WPSM-Why Post So Much 

AAAA -  Association Against Acronym Abuse

FYSBIGTBABR- Fasten Your SeatBelts It's Going To Be A Bumpy Ride <---(is it for real?)

FCFS- First Come First Serve

FHM-For Him Monthly <--- PMM (Playboy Malaysia Magazine)


Anonymous said...

wommwm - rofl..hahahah
FYSBIGTBABR- (_ _!!) pjg!!!

Nur Atiqah said...

it is quiet a long acronym right??hee

Anonymous said...

haha..tau tape~
nak sebut FYSBIGTBABR pun terbelit2 lidah~

Nur Atiqah said...

haha! kinda of exercise lah..hahahaha
