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Friday, July 9, 2010


Rakan-rakan? anda taw tak ape itu program toastmasters?? Oh! bukan sejenis Roti Bakar. It is one kind of public speaking club. And how did i know about it? Actually, I am forced (haha! paksaan tuh..) to register under UTM-ELS TOASTMASTER CLUB which all the fees, magazines payments, are all paid by PETRONAS. As you all can see, PETRONAS really want the best for their scholars. Alhamdulillah.. =)

Mesti korang pikir bende nieyh macam kursus2 english biasa. Doing some presentations, practice a speech, ice breaking, team-working. No! No at all. Actually, it is kind of handling a meeting involving some different and unique appointment holders. I am wondering if all of you speak the same language as me here?? haha! senang2 usha info DI SINI kalau nak taw lebih lah kan.. hehe.. seriously interesting.. Aku yang memang xsuke bercakap-cakap depan audiences nieyh puwn agak tertarik dengan konsep mende alah ni. 

One awesome thing that i have figured out from this program is there will be lots of clapping. Its been a long time i did not clap this much.. hehe.. those claps are really make us more enthusiastic in giving a speech. Also, when you r in a stutter mode, (u know it, mod kegagapan-those butterflies won) , they will not judge or laugh or even criticize you, instead they will suggest some ways for improvement. 

What else did I have learned there? Actually, there are certain ways to evaluate the speech, for example; the condemn phrases "You should, You cannot, You are using the wrong choice of word" are forbidden.full stop.But, we cam replace all those phrases with "I think the sentence will be be much better if you use ............, I suggested you to .......... to make the story more interesting".. There you go! can you see the difference?

Nuff said. If there is a Will, there is a Way. No need lame excuses to achieve a great success.Pffft.. CHOWZ~

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