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Thursday, July 1, 2010


1st July 2010.. Tarikh keramat when I'd really decided to put on a huge space between my BFF and I.. Very sad indeed as I've blocked him in this blogsphere although for a certain time we can only close-communicate through blogs, and now i will not seeing his face in the traffic feed ever. It is all because his one and only great awesome cemburu buta type of Girlfriend. He can do nothing but backing up her. She's the bestest best person in the world in front of your naked eyes. I know. I know u will be leaving me behind because of her one time. And now, U have made your decision. And I've made mine. We have discussed this before, and again, she stepped out again between me and you.. Such a loser. Don't have a courage for one second to confront me herself. Need to hide behind your pakwe again and again ker hah???Coward! Urgh!

All those 8years and 3months mean absolutely everything to me. Thank you Jay. Thats all.. I'm DONE!


echasuzrin said...

En. Jay nmpak kacak dlm gmba ni...
hahaha... such a firestone i am... hehehe

Nur Atiqah said...

Hoiyeah?? haha! dats y dier dijaga dgn sangat rapi..

100:1-100:11 said...

dapat jadi kejam juga merupakan satu kelebihan

Nur Atiqah said...

yes! mengalah juga satu kelebihan :)

100:1-100:11 said...

siapa yang mengalah?

Nur Atiqah said...

sayalah.. mengalah lah dekat awek die. kesian.. tak pasal xcukup kaseh sayang kalau saya still berkawan dengan bf die. so, saya berundur.. :)

100:1-100:11 said...

saya doakan yang terbaik utk awak. kawen cepat2 ya?

Nur Atiqah said...

BFF jer lah awak~ bukan sape2....

BF laen.. BFF laen.. :)

Anyway thanks! teehee

100:1-100:11 said...

bff eh? saya dulu ada kawan baik dgn sorang perempuan, agak rapat, dan along the journey it evolve from being a bff to wanting to be bf, dan lets just say i didnt get it, dan nak redeem balik persahabatan tu bukan senang. i hope things will get well for you. blaja rajin2. kawen tu utk bf skang.

Nur Atiqah said...

Oh.. hehe! i hope this friendship will not last like some kind like that.. Nak feeling nieyh sampai bile2.. insyaAllah.. hee~ anyway, skang dah ok. even better. :)

ubtuk kawen tuh, insyaAllah.. kalau ade jodoh. :)

100:1-100:11 said...

kita merancang, tuhan pun merancang, tetapi rancangan Allah itu jauh lebih baik :-)
