As James Fallows said; Always write angry letters to your enemies. Never mail them.
Dear Jay,
Why do I always do such one hell stupid mistake? Hurm.! Then, it hurt! It hurt a lot! I did try to comfort myself to survive afterwards. Alone. Try to get somebody to reach with. Got a few, but it is different.
Compared to the moment when I do have my bestfriend before. At least I will not be alone like this. Huh! Nostalgic and pathetic, isn't it? Here, I certainly will not deny which I would say, I Miss You JAY. Really.
p.s: You are not my enemy, It is just a quote
From Tqa
yo, why not u call him?
nope. never. i got my ego. =p
aku xphm something, nape mr. m pnye link, link blog aku???
bukan aku yg post.. haaaaaaaaa
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